New eBook available

For the last several months I have been working with my mentor, dietitian Joan Breakey, on an eBook that people with IBS can use to help manage their symptoms. Your Diet for Your IBS is an amalgamation of our combined 50 years of clinical experience in working with irritable bowel syndrome. In this book we explain the aetiology of IBS and various factors that can play a role in your symptoms. We outline the various different dietary approaches that can be used, and help readers decide which approach will work best for them. The book includes specific meal plans and food lists.

This book is particularly useful for anyone who has tried the low FODMAP diet and found it did not completely resolve their symptoms. Joan and I are both firm believers that there is no single best diet that will work for every person with IBS – instead, each person will have their own unique diet that works best for them.

I’m extremely proud of this book and the work we have put it into. I hope you will find it useful too.

Click here to purchase and download the book as a PDF for only $15. For a hard copy of the book please visit Joan’s website here. It is also available for download via Amazon Kindle, click here.

AboutAshleigh Jones

Ashleigh Jones is a Brisbane-based Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist specialising in the management of IBS using the low FODMAP diet.